Betty Crocker Brownies and Black Tar Heroine

Betty Crocker Brownies and Black Tar Heroine

I read something the other day that made me stop and read it 3 more times. I think Gloria Copeland is adorable. She has so much wisdom packed into this cute-little-unpretentious-southern-mama package. She always has these pithy sayings that get right to the point. The saying that grabbed my attention this time was:

Carnal Christians are a miserable species of being! They’re born again, and they know enough about God to keep them from enjoying sin, but they don’t know enough to live free of it.

Wow. There is so much in that sentence. I’m a great proponent for relationship with God over religion. We are the branches and he is the vine and everything good and true flows from our union with him. That’s what my whole blog is about. That’s the theme I keep coming back to. Every area of my heart that I invite him into and submit to him in, I eventually find healing and freedom in that area. I can’t just be better. I can’t just heal my own hurts and make myself free. I can’t just modify my behavior when there has been no true change on the inside. And he knows that. Religion sucks. Religion is trying to prove yourself to God. Truth says you are already approved. Religion tries to modify behavior. Relationship is partnering with God until who he sees you as becomes a reality in your heart and you walk out in that freedom. I’ve become free from so much. But life with him means always growing, always stretching, always shedding the layers that hold you back and I’m excited to go deeper and higher.

Is there something that God has been putting on your heart, big or small, that he wants to talk about with you? Is there something that you can feel him poking at but you’re not ready to talk about because if you talk about it, you know he’s going to ask you to change, and you’re not ready? Ha. I’m so good at rationalizing when I know he wants to touch on an area of my behavior or habits that I’m not ready to change. “Well, I could be making up his voice. It may not be him. Maybe he’s just getting me ready to change down the road. I mean, it’s not really a problem at all either and he only would talk to me about it if it were a problem. AND WHY CAN’T I EAT ALL THE SUGAR I WANT WHEN IT’S THE CHRISTMAS SEASON? I mean, it’s part of the joy of celebration which I’m sure he wants me to partake in!” But then, that persistent nudge, that feeling that God wants to address that behavior, doesn’t go away. I’m pretty sure that’s why my sister has referred to God as a nag. But when I’m honest, and I get quiet, I realize, every time he has ever asked me to submit a mindset or behavior to him, when I’ve obeyed, that area of my life has always improved exponentially. He is in the business of partnering with us to set us free. And he knows the areas we’re not free in more than we do. If there is something he is asking us to change, and we don’t want to, that is a big clue we’re not free in that area. Sigh. So ok, God. I hear you. I’ve made changes but I’m still holding back from you in my heart. I’m still keeping you at arm’s length and saying, don’t worry, I’ll do this my way. But I’ll give it to you now. Help me give it to you.

But the thing is, he sees me as free. Jesus died for me to be free in every area. Maybe eating sugar sounds trivial but it really doesn’t matter if it’s black tar heroine or Betty Crocker brownies, he knows how to lead us step-by-step so that we are enslaved to nothing. No negative mindset, no bitterness, no brokenness, no perversion, no addiction has a right to us. He is just teaching me step by step how to walk in the freedom and healing that is already mine. It may take time, but as I partner with God, listen to and submit to the changes he wants me to make in my life, as I speak his words over myself in this area, I’ll walk more and more into freedom. If change doesn’t come right away, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is you don’t let condemnation or shame have its way with you. If you mess up, run to God knowing he loves you and died for you. Don’t run from him, that’s the last thing that will help. Self-pity, condemnation, anger at God, shame, these things just make you run back to sin for comfort. When you mess up, run to God’s lap and know he is wrapping his arms around you and saying, “It’s ok. We got this. Keep going. You are loved and on your way to freedom.” So here’s to the next step towards being wildly free.

A Part of Renewing Your Mind:

  • Get honest with yourself and get quiet with God. Write down the areas you know he is asking you to change.
  • Start agreeing with God and speaking over yourself that you are free (even before you are walking in that freedom.
  • Ask God what steps to take towards freedom and take them. Don’t give up, even if it’s hard. Acknowledge and meditate on his love for you if you mess up, but don’t quit.

2 thoughts on “Betty Crocker Brownies and Black Tar Heroine

  1. Beautifully said. Reading this actually helped me this morning. Recently, I have been trying to hold back from getting angry at my husband when we are talking about finances. I’ve realized that there’s no point in getting mad at him. After all, he’s only trying to discuss solutions for paying off debt. But this morning, I got overwhelmed about it and snapped at him, when he wasn’t doing anything except talking calmly about it. I realized at that moment that I let myself down by not keeping my cool in the moment. I went to pray for forgiveness and asked God to help me control my emotions better next time. It’s so comforting knowing that He understands me and doesn’t expect me to be perfect. He knows that I am trying to be the best I can be and I’m relieved that I can always count on Him to help me. With practice and constant communication with Him, I believe I can become the person He envisions me to be.

    1. I love that you said “With practice and constant communication with Him, I believe I can become the person He envisions me to be.” What a beautiful way to describe transformation through your union with him. He sees you as so precious! Even when we are incredibly imperfect, he loves us so completely.

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